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Download Robin Schulz - Sugar (ED... from soundcloud to mp3

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23 K

How to download Robin Schulz - Sugar (EDX's Ibiza Sunrise Remix) in mp3?

Are you looking to download Robin Schulz - Sugar (EDX's Ibiza Sunrise Remix) by EDX from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Robin Schulz - Sugar (EDX's Ibiza Sunrise Remix)

Robin Schulz - Sugar (EDX's Ibiza Sunrise Remix) is a Deep House song with a duration of 2 minutes and 59 seconds.

Originally released on 9/3/2015, this song produced by EDX has been played 19,524,403 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of EDX's track

Robin Schulz - Sugar (EDX's Ibiza Sunrise Remix) on soundcloud received 301,441 likes and being reposted 22,954 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 3,331 comments published by avid listeners.


iTunes - Beatport - Spotify - After enormous success already this year with his remix of Sam Feldt’s ‘Show Me Love’ named the fifth most shazamed song during the Ibiza season and his take on Spada featuring Anna Leyne ‘Catchfire (Sun Sun Sun)’ also riding high in the Beatport chart, EDX is back with another infectious remix - Robin Schulz ‘Sugar’ feat. Francesco Yates, set for release on Friday, September 11th. Sampling the 2003 Baby Bash single ‘Suga Suga’, Schulz’ ’Sugar’ is pure summer; with a smooth groove, softly bouncing beat and silky vocals from Canadian singer songwriter Francesco Yates. Enlisted for remix duty, EDX layers punchy percussion over an intensified beat and the result is an irresistible dance floor hit with all the charm and groove of the original. It’s clear from this latest offering that Italian/Swiss producer EDX is showing no signs of slowing down - with quality release after quality release, a Beatport chart topper under his belt this year with his remix of Sons of Maria and Nora en Pure’s ‘Uruguay’, the uber hit remix for Sam Feldt’s "Show Me Love" still growing into summer biggest anthem and a rigorous touring schedule that sees him playing at high profile nightclubs and major festivals around the globe. Beatport: TBA Itunes pre-order: Youtube Video Robin Schulz - Teaser:

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