Edward Sharpe Mag Zeros is an artist from New Orleans , registered on Soundcloud since 3/23/2012 with the id 14067279 and the identifier name edward-sharpe-mag-zeros , Edward Sharpe Mag Zeros cumulated a total of 709 k followers.
You can download 109 tracks by Edward Sharpe Mag Zeros from soundcloud to mp3.
New album PersonA out on April 15th! Preorder now on iTunes here: smarturl.it/PersonAiTunes. Listen to the first single "No Love Like Yours" now! iTunes: smarturl.it/PersonAiTunes CD/LP: smarturl.it/PersonAMerch Tidal: smarturl.it/NoLoveTidal YouTube: smarturl.it/NoLoveYT SoundCloud: smarturl.it/NoLoveSC GooglePlay: smarturl.it/NoLoveGP Amazon: smarturl.it/NoLoveAmazon Rhapsody: smarturl.it/NoLoveRhapsody