Frankie Steel is an artist from New Jersey , registered on Soundcloud since 3/10/2011 with the id 3584237 and the identifier name djfrankiesteel , Frankie Steel cumulated a total of 4 k followers.
You can download 103 tracks by Frankie Steel from soundcloud to mp3.
Frankie Steel has gained the support of many mainstage acts, including, Laidback Luke, Fedde Le Grand, Dash Berlin, Dada Life, 4B, Good Times Ahead, Junior Sanchez, and many more. He has also played alongside worldwide talents such as Laidback Luke, W&W, Bassjackers, Carnage, Machine Gun Kelly, D.O.D., 4B, Quintino, MAKJ and Deniz Koyu just to name a few. Frankie Steel's music has been featured on some of the top music outlets in the world, such as Mixmash Radio, Dark Light Sessions, EDC Las Vegas, EDC New York, Tomorrowland, Tomorrowworld and many more. Find Frankie Steel on the horizon of club lineup’s in the near future! Promos/Remixes/Etc: [email protected] #SteelMafia