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Download Vamos - DJ Flavya, Aniel... from soundcloud to mp3

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DJ FlavYa

How to download Vamos - DJ Flavya, Aniel Someillan in mp3?

Are you looking to download Vamos - DJ Flavya, Aniel Someillan by DJ FlavYa from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Vamos - DJ Flavya, Aniel Someillan

Vamos - DJ Flavya, Aniel Someillan is a downtempo song with a duration of 5 minutes and 23 seconds.

Originally released on 3/29/2021, this song produced by DJ FlavYa has been played 3,470 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of DJ FlavYa's track

Vamos - DJ Flavya, Aniel Someillan on soundcloud received 59 likes and being reposted 7 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 10 comments published by avid listeners.


Flavya and Aniel start with a base of rattles and congas (African-Cuban drums). This is the percussion that will set the cadence for the song. Soon, Aniel adds his acoustic double bass, increasing the swing of the ensemble. Then, Flavya plays the flute and mixes synth sounds. In the end, she adds nature sounds. The result is an ethereal, somewhat romantic, and dancing sound. A samba song with a foot in the Caribbean. A little inebriating, like rum; a little sweet, like soda. Uniting north and south in Sound America, going from the Art Deco neon lights in Miami to a hot night in Havana or a morning contemplating the ocean in Bahia. 🌴 Flavya e Aniel começam com uma base de chocalhos e congas (tambores afro-cubanos). Esta é a percussão que definirá a cadência da música. Logo, Aniel adiciona seu contrabaixo acústico, aumentando o swing do conjunto. Em seguida, Flavya toca flauta e mixa sons de sintetizador. No final, ela adiciona sons da natureza. O resultado é um som etéreo, um tanto romântico e dançante. Um samba com pé no Caribe. Um pouco inebriante, como rum; um pouco doce, como refrigerante. Unindo norte e sul no Sound America, indo das luzes de néon Art Déco de Miami a uma noite quente em Havana ou uma manhã contemplando o mar da Bahia. recording: YB Studios - Sao Paulo, Brazil production: Flavya Gaeta & Aniel Someillan mixing: Flavya Gaeta master: Carlitos Hernandez flute: Flavya Gaeta bass: Aniel Someillan moog: Aniel Someillan congo: Aniel Someillan percussion: Aniel Someillan

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