How to download Heartless (feat. Morgan Wallen) in mp3?
Are you looking to download Heartless (feat. Morgan Wallen) by Diplo from Soundcloud
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About Heartless (feat. Morgan Wallen)
Heartless (feat. Morgan Wallen) is a Country song with a duration of 2 minutes and 49 seconds.
Originally released on 8/13/2019, this song
produced by
has been played
13,650,922 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Diplo's track
Heartless (feat. Morgan Wallen) on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 2,896 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
3,595 comments published by avid listeners.
Listen to ‘Heartless’
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Heartless heartless heartless
So heartless so heartless so heartless
Say you’re going out late
I count down till you call me
It’s just one of those things
That you do when you’re lonely
And you’re all about the chase
But you won’t ever let me catch you
And I wish I was the same
But I know I’m gunna let you in again and when I do
Its gunna hurt like hell and you don’t mean to
That’s what I tell myself
But, why you gotta be so heartless
I know you think it’s harmless
You’re tearing me apart
And girl the hardest part is
You’re so high on attention
Taking miles from inches
Leave me in the darkness
Never finish what we started
Girl why you gotta be so heartless (so heartless)
Why you gotta be so heartless (so heartless)
Monday night was definitely not our night
Tuesday night was just another fight
Wednesday I thought everything would change
Thursday came and it was still the same
Friday night we went out on the town
Saturday we should have burned it down
Sunday morning came and now you’re gone
I should probably know this shit by now
Ah ohh
I should probably know this shit by now
But no, no
Why you gotta be so heartless
I know you think it’s harmless
You’re tearing me apart
And girl the hardest part is
You’re so high on attention
Taking miles from inches
Leave me in the darkness
Never finish what we started
Girl why you gotta be so heartless (so heartless)
Why you gotta be so heartless (so heartless)
Girl why you gotta be so in between
Loving me and leaving, leaving
Ah ohh
I should probably know this shit by now
But no, no
Why you gotta be so heartless
I know you think it’s harmless
You’re tearing me apart
And girl the hardest part is
You’re so high on attention
Taking miles from inches
Leave me in the darkness
Never finish what we started
Girl why you gotta be so heartless (so heartless)
Why you gotta be so heartless (so heartless)