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Download Dominica - Gotta Let You... from soundcloud to mp3

10 M
155 K
1 K
9 K

How to download Dominica - Gotta Let You Go (2015 Edit) in mp3?

Are you looking to download Dominica - Gotta Let You Go (2015 Edit) by Data Transmission from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Dominica - Gotta Let You Go (2015 Edit)

Dominica - Gotta Let You Go (2015 Edit) is a House song with a duration of 6 minutes and 50 seconds.

Originally released on 10/12/2015, this song produced by Data Transmission has been played 9,764,800 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Data Transmission's track

Dominica - Gotta Let You Go (2015 Edit) on soundcloud received 155,357 likes and being reposted 8,762 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 1,073 comments published by avid listeners.


Now lot of people don’t like Mondays and we think that’s fair enough; going back to work feeling a decade older after a heavy weekend spent making memories with friends can be a chore for even for the most optimistic of us as we trudge back in to the daily grind. Luckily, help is at hand as we've secured Dominica's unreleased summer anthem 'Gotta Let You Go'. Having caused quite a stir in clubs and festivals across the globe throughout warmer months, we had feared that the track wasn't going to get an official release despite the likes of Jackmaster and Skream championing the track in their sets. Thus we were delighted to hear that it would finally be arriving via Altra Moda Music this November and quickly set about securing it for premiere. Rock solid grooves, pumping synths and rolling snares underpin catchy, redolent vocals for a sunshine soaked floor filler guaranteed to ward off those winter blues. Facebook: You Tube: Spotify: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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