Dash Berlin is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 5/21/2010 with the id 1057056 and the identifier name dashberlin , Dash Berlin cumulated a total of 428 k followers.
You can download 211 tracks by Dash Berlin from soundcloud to mp3.
The big dream collab is here! TIME AFTER TIME with DUBVISION and EMMA HEWITT: youtube.com/watch?v=4JTTEatRzus OCEANS MUSIC VIDEO: youtube.com/watch?v=rAQl-TTI4bQ Same legendary music project, new DJ. For bookings: booking(at)http://dashberlin.com Dash Berlin is a music project founded and created by award-winning music producer and songwriter Sebastiaan Molijn in 2006. Contrary to popular belief, it was Molijn who named his project ‘Dash Berlin’. Together with his long time youth friend and co-producer Eelke Kalberg, Seb was the driving creative force behind the performing (now ex) frontman. Finally back in charge of his beloved music project, Molijn is ready to bring back the highly requested original Dash Berlin sound that touched the hearts of millions of music fans around the globe…