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Download Meditation Mix: Ami Dang from soundcloud to mp3

How to download Meditation Mix: Ami Dang in mp3?

Are you looking to download Meditation Mix: Ami Dang by Crack Magazine from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Meditation Mix: Ami Dang

Meditation Mix: Ami Dang is a Ambient song with a duration of 65 minutes and 49 seconds.

Originally released on 3/24/2021, this song produced by Crack Magazine has been played 0 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of Crack Magazine's track

Meditation Mix: Ami Dang on soundcloud received 0 likes and being reposted 0 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 0 comments published by avid listeners.


One year ago, the UK entered its first lockdown after Boris Johnson made the announcement on 23 March. To mark the UK's first lockdown anniversary, we asked sitarist and producer Ami Dang to create a meditation mix. Something to help keep us going in lockdown – because we're almost near the end of it now. Dang's work has often been steeped in a deep mysticism, finding a tension between ancient stories, fairytales and modern electronics. Her 2020 release, 'Meditations Mixtape, Vol. 1', was created early on in the pandemic after her aunt and uncle became ill with coronavirus. Here, Dang dreams of "whispering secrets into ears, warm tides, summer leaves floating down the creek, pressure drops before the storm, flowers that look like snowballs, and roaring laughter". Some of the small joys we haven't been able to experience lately. More info here: Still Independent. Help us keep it that way:

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