Download Buddy James from soundcloud to mp3


Presentation of Buddy James from soundcloud:

Buddy James is an artist from Rockford Illinois, registered on Soundcloud since 10/15/2016 with the id 261823818 and the identifier name buddyjames815 , Buddy James cumulated a total of 46 followers.

You can download 102 tracks by Buddy James from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

First off I want to say I want to thank all my fans for the Support over the last 20 years. My love of music started when I was 12. I started playing music professionally when I was 19. I fell in love with the Tru Chicago House music. Then discovered Hard Reverse Bass. I went back to my classic roots and started playing around with classics and Country. I am a well versed dj that loves every aspect of the music world. I have something for everyone in my mixes and love what I do, and you my fans are who I do it for. Heres to all of you and Hopefully many more years.

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