Èwol Attila~IRRLVNTFUX is an artist from Los Angeles~Kaiserslautern, registered on Soundcloud since 12/21/2011 with the id 10017658 and the identifier name btgmusicgroup , Èwol Attila~IRRLVNTFUX cumulated a total of 555 followers.
You can download 31 tracks by Èwol Attila~IRRLVNTFUX from soundcloud to mp3.
If you are here it's for a reason Good Hip Hop Music! The Phantom Notes is a collaboration of two producers Microphono aka 3p-OH and Rik Marvel. They are versed in a wide spectrum of musical taste from Classical to Doo-WOP but their signature sound can only be described through their vibrant dynamic beats! Take a listen we hope you enjoy the journey. For info in reference to production or features please don't hesitate to contact me at: [email protected]