Download Alex-is from soundcloud to mp3


Presentation of Alex-is from soundcloud:

Alex-is is an artist from La Paz (Baja California Sur), registered on Soundcloud since 1/29/2014 with the id 77637879 and the identifier name bsgarden , Alex-is cumulated a total of 5 followers.

You can download 4 tracks by Alex-is from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

BajaSouthGarden es la agrupación de artistas, productores y mc's, que busca promover la cultura y crear una comunidad de expresión,desarrollo y promoción, desde un punto subversivo y liberal, Nació como una idea de fomentar la libertad de expresión en una música y un arte libre, acabando con la idea de explotar talentos, buscando beneficios monetarios, para terceras personas. Este espacio es dirigido y creado para todo beatmakers o mc's que giran en torno ala subcultura, buscando promoción y expansión de sus creaciones. BajaSouthGarden is the grouping of artists, producers and mc's, which seeks to promote culture and create a community of expression, development and promotion from a subversive liberal point, she was born as an idea to promote freedom of expression in music and art free, ending the idea of ​​exploiting talents, seeking monetary benefits to third parties. This space is managed and created for all beatmakers or mc's that revolve around wing subculture, seeking promotion and expansion of their creations.

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