Black Star is an artist from Moscow, registered on Soundcloud since 10/4/2012 with the id 25442761 and the identifier name black-star-label , Black Star cumulated a total of 37 k followers.
You can download 509 tracks by Black Star from soundcloud to mp3.
Black Star - Russian production center, whose catalog includes artists of absolutely different styles of music: Hip-Hop, Pop, R'n'B, Jazz, Neo-Soul, House. High-quality diverse music, organization of large-scale events, creation of premium products, licensing, work with international stars, as well as intercontinental grand projects – far not complete list of activities of Black Star Inc. label team - team of high level professionals. Black Star artists in Instagram: Мот: @mmott23 Natan: @natan_official Миша Марвин: @misha_marvin Клава Кока: @klavacoca НАZИМА: @13nazima Slame: @slava_slame Анет Сай: @anetsai БОРОНИНА: @annaboronina