Asfalt - أسفلت is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 10/3/2012 with the id 25412735 and the identifier name asfaltmusicegypt , Asfalt - أسفلت cumulated a total of 31 k followers.
You can download 35 tracks by Asfalt - أسفلت from soundcloud to mp3.
Egypt’s foremost hip hop band Asfalt was created in 2005. Since then, members Ibrahim Farouk and Mohamed Gad have used their beats as a vessel for sharing social, political and cultural messages with the Egyptian public and the world. Asfalt’s at times satirical and at times more serious take on the local, daily life and struggles of regular Egyptians like themselves have modeled many of their songs into cultural references for the nation. Meanwhile, the cross-cultural issues and themes they rap about have appealed to a fan base extending well beyond Egypt.