Download Anthony Lazaro from soundcloud to mp3

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Presentation of Anthony Lazaro from soundcloud:

Anthony Lazaro is an artist from Berlin, registered on Soundcloud since 4/24/2014 with the id 91118454 and the identifier name anthonylazaromusic , Anthony Lazaro cumulated a total of 10 k followers.

You can download 206 tracks by Anthony Lazaro from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

With heartfelt lyrics and a boundless style, Lazaro experiments with his music, never settling for one simple structure. Dancing between ukulele pop songs, synth and drum machines, Latin grooves and pop ballads, Lazaro’s unique approach to his music offers something for listeners who love to dabble and embrace life’s variety. “I want to surprise them,” Lazaro explains. “I want to craft songs that people can relate to, have fun with. My most ambitious goal is being able to move across genres and influences.” Lazaro believes an artist should find a balance between accessibility and art, and those who do are the ones that are remembered.

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