How to download GENEROUS Prod. tizhimself and Soraya LaPread in mp3?
Are you looking to download GENEROUS Prod. tizhimself and Soraya LaPread by DOJA CAT from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About GENEROUS Prod. tizhimself and Soraya LaPread
GENEROUS Prod. tizhimself and Soraya LaPread is a Dubstep song with a duration of 2 minutes and 56 seconds.
Originally released on 12/19/2020, this song
produced by
has been played
2,829,366 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of DOJA CAT's track
GENEROUS Prod. tizhimself and Soraya LaPread on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 1,673 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
3,097 comments published by avid listeners.
lyrics here
please dont try to write the lyrics urself that shit is cringe
( Take that from me when I give that back
Wait give it right back
Daddy give right back
This look pretty can I sit right back
On it
Give it right back
Baby do ya like that )
Baby I know you’ve seen it in my eyes
I got a lot for you and deeper than you know
Never thought bout how you give so damn much
What Ive taken from you I can give right back cuz
(I feel like)
I feel like you deserve me
Now I’m feeling generous (I’d give)
Give you whatever you want
No need to persuade
Promise you’re doin enough so
Now I’m feeling generous (I’d give)
Give you what ever you want
(I’d give)
Give you whatever you-
(I’d give)
Give you whatever you want
( Take that from me when I give that back
Wait give it right back
Daddy give right back
This look pretty can I sit right back
On it
Give it right back
Baby do ya like that )
I could prolly cater 2 u
I might be lookin like a waiter to you
All them niggas I was talking to I keep em off the radar for you
Cuz they do nothin that they say they gon do
And I be feeling like a dog the way I’m pacing sittin waiting for you
Just contemplating all the naughty shit Im waiting to do
And I can lay that out on the table for you
I wanna fuck just like we came straight from the zoo
They don’t make them like him anymore
Feel bad for these niggas. Competitions very strong
I bust the longest mission for some missionary raw
He could make a mess and tell me lick it off the floor
(I feel like)
I feel like you deserve me
Now I’m feeling generous (I’d give)
Give you whatever you want
No need to persuade
Promise you’re doin enough so
Now I’m feeling generous (I’d give)
Give you what ever you want
(I’d give)
Give you whatever you-
(I’d give)
Give you whatever you want