How to download Hamd O Naat in mp3?
Are you looking to download Hamd O Naat by Ali Zafar from Soundcloud
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About Hamd O Naat
Hamd O Naat is a Religion & Spirituality song with a duration of 4 minutes and 0 seconds.
Originally released on 1/7/2021, this song
produced by
Ali Zafar
has been played
2,906,090 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of Ali Zafar's track
Hamd O Naat on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 258 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
449 comments published by avid listeners.
Earlier this year, I had the blessed pleasure of visiting the cities of Mecca and Medina for Umrah. What I experienced there, cannot be explained in words. A part of that I have tried to express in this "HAMD-O-NAAT". I hope it brings a sense of Peace.
Recited By: Ali Zafar
Directed and Edited By: Adnan Tariq
Music & Composition: Hassan Badshah
Written By : Ali Zafar
Mix & Master: Akash Pervaiz
Bass guitar: Ali Zafar
Flute: Hassan Badshah
Backing Vocals:
Ali Zafar, Danyal Zafar, Hassan Badshah, Umar Duzz, Mehroz Gillani, Ali Jee
You are Merciful
You are Gracious
You are the Greatest
O have mercy on my state
Relieve me of my burdens
I am standing at Your doorstep
O hear my prayer
Allah huma sale alamuhammadinwaaalehi,
Allah huma sale alamuhammadinwaaalehi
I submit to You
You bless me more and more
Make me Your chosen one
Reveal Yourself to me, bring me closer
So that every part of my being
Chants this very prayer
Allah huma sale alamuhammadinwaaalehi,
Allah huma sale alamuhammadinwaaalehi,
Who says You are not omnipresent
Every particle speaks of Your presence.
My breath belongs to You
You’re the Protector of my existence
I no longer fear death
Nor do I fear what people say
I bow my head unto You
For all eternity
Allah huma sale alamuhammadinwaaalehi,
Allah huma sale alamuhammadinwaaalehi