aaron inker is an artist from biella / venezia, registered on Soundcloud since 3/6/2009 with the id 81748 and the identifier name aaron-inker , aaron inker cumulated a total of 55 followers.
You can download 7 tracks by aaron inker from soundcloud to mp3.
aaron inker (real name:Nicholas Ferrara) was born in a small town near Biella in 1984, after polytechnic study he shows art interests.Nicholas attended the ACME fine art academy in Novara improving his skills and finding his own style, now he's attending the visual art class at IUAV in Venezia. His works are focused on the mass-communication and on media, but he moves around many themes and styles. He usually uses video, audio and installation as expressive medium, but moves also towards other fields.In 2007 started to exhibit.