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How to download shinigami x 93feetofsmoke - it never rains anymore in mp3?

Are you looking to download shinigami x 93feetofsmoke - it never rains anymore by 93FEETOFSMOKE from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About shinigami x 93feetofsmoke - it never rains anymore

shinigami x 93feetofsmoke - it never rains anymore is a acoustic song with a duration of 2 minutes and 35 seconds.

Originally released on 7/10/2018, this song produced by 93FEETOFSMOKE has been played 843,649 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of 93FEETOFSMOKE's track

shinigami x 93feetofsmoke - it never rains anymore on soundcloud received 11,797 likes and being reposted 856 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 237 comments published by avid listeners.


@ihateshinigami it never rains anymore i've been laying on the floor so disgusted with myself cant fucking take this anymore i'm the thorn in the roses body decomposing leave me in the past I bet no one will even notice hands shaky like my life its fucking hard just to type none of my friends are alright just hiding tears in our eyes trust me i wish i could stop caring i swear to god i'm fucking trying my heads just fucked up from the lying honest i wish you never met me my heads just fucked up from the lying honest i wish you never met me it never rains anymore i've been laying on the floor so disgusted with myself cant fucking take this anymore i'm the thorn in the roses body decomposing leave me in the past I bet no one will even notice i have this this hole in my chest it hurts so bad i can't rest waking up from all this stress i'm fucking trying my best to live a life on my own i always stare at my phone waiting for you to hit me back because i always feel alone im the thorn in the roses body decomposing leave me in the past I bet no one will even notice leave me in the past i bet no one will even notice

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