How to download 94 Miles in mp3?
Are you looking to download 94 Miles by graeme from Soundcloud
to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this
track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.
About 94 Miles
94 Miles is a indie rock song with a duration of 2 minutes and 32 seconds.
Originally released on 6/17/2024, this song
produced by
has been played
1,385 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of graeme's track
94 Miles on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 12 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
22 comments published by avid listeners.
94 Miles - @1gr4eme
prod - Laur Lang
fall in love we broke apart
im feelin you your feeling me
i still love you come to me
love dried out
will we work out oh
your lipstick on my t-shirt
baby kiss me
just leave me in the dirt
its all my fault
its keepin me up
talk to me im all ears
got me yearning for your love
what am i worth
am i enough to hold your heart
ive been fine ive been going solo
im tryna change me for your love
i wanna be yours
im out here fighting for my self
im changing im changing for the better or the worst
all alone in my bedroom
lookin for a single remanence of you
cant lie i need you
what id give to be with you
im fallin apart
the blaze in my heart
is goin out its killin me
another wrong in my life
im taking my car
going 94 miles
just so i can get to you
leave me in the dirt
can you leave me alone
tryna break me down
6 feet in the ground
pickin all the broken pieces
im structurally damaged
finding all the stupid reasons
how could take have ever been me
im traveling by far
so i can be in your arms
im tryna see you
im tryna be with you
not another lonely night
not a single things in my power
just gotta pray you prevail
i just wanna be with you