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Download Higgo - Soul 2 Soul from soundcloud to mp3

144 K
4 K

How to download Higgo - Soul 2 Soul in mp3?

Are you looking to download Higgo - Soul 2 Soul by 1Forty from Soundcloud to MP3? Look no further! With our free Soundcloud Downloader tool, you can easily convert this track into an MP3 file in just a few clicks.

About Higgo - Soul 2 Soul

Higgo - Soul 2 Soul is a Garage song with a duration of 4 minutes and 44 seconds.

Originally released on 12/16/2019, this song produced by 1Forty has been played 144,368 times on soundcloud.

Popularity of 1Forty's track

Higgo - Soul 2 Soul on soundcloud received 4,184 likes and being reposted 112 times. Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with 32 comments published by avid listeners.


Arriving like a freight train out of seemingly nowhere, Higgo has taken the UK Garage and Bass scene by storm. Blending UKG sensibilities with his passion for old school hip hop and the raw, bass focused attributes of the current sound of UK underground music, Higgo has quickly seen his music pick up support from top names in the scene, most notably the ‘Prince of Garage’ Conducta and Todd ‘The God’ Edwards which sees him land on 1Forty for the first time with a soulful UKG cut. In 2019 Higgo’s music has been featured heavily by DJs across 1Xtra, Rinse and Reprezent, making appearances himself on the latter two. His reworks of Ms Dynamite’s ‘Dy-Na-Mi-Tee’ and Estelle’s ‘American Boy’ have received a hugely positive response, picking up heavy support from Sammy Virji and being uploaded by YouTube channel The Deeprot with the tracks achieving a combined play count of over 350,000 on Soundcloud alone. Higgo has released with Wang Records, Four40 and Rare Supply, his debut EP came out on the latter in June 2019. The ‘’95 EP’ went straight to the top of the Juno Download chart and has since had ‘Work’ feature in Spotify’s own editorial playlist, ‘New UK Garage’. Higgo’s ever increasing popularity has resulted in headline shows up and down the country, including Manchester, Bristol, Nottingham, Exeter and Plymouth. He also made multiple appearances on Sammy Virji’s ‘Like A Virjin: Part II’ tour and held down support slots for Mind of a Dragon, El-B, Sharda and Royal-T. During festival season Higgo was at Forbidden Forest and BassFest and also took part in Conducta’s ‘Redbull Roadblock’ in Sheffield. With more original music lined up for 2020, as well as a rapidly growing demand as a remixer, Higgo looks certain to become a leading name in the UK Garage revolution. @HiggoUK

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