Download 12roots from soundcloud to mp3


Presentation of 12roots from soundcloud:

12roots is an artist from Albuquerque, registered on Soundcloud since 12/31/2012 with the id 31648642 and the identifier name 12roots , 12roots cumulated a total of 215 followers.

You can download 92 tracks by 12roots from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

I fell in love with the sound of bands like Rancid, blink-182, and Green Day when I was 11 years old. At 13 I started writing my own music on the guitar, albeit very amateurishly. I quickly realized how much fun creating my own songs was. My recording skills and access to equipment were virtually non-existent until I was about 18 years old. I am now just starting to get the hang of recording and producing quality sound. Currently I am trying to become better at the instruments I play including my singing voice. My favorite instrument to play is bass, which I first started playing at 15 years old.

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