Download 1000sofcats from soundcloud to mp3


Presentation of 1000sofcats from soundcloud:

1000sofcats is an artist from Tokyo, registered on Soundcloud since 8/17/2009 with the id 213562 and the identifier name 1000sofcats , 1000sofcats cumulated a total of 36 followers.

You can download 13 tracks by 1000sofcats from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

日本人女の子Vo/G sonokoとアメリカ人Dr/Voのdave (ex. selby tigers、sean na na)によるインディーロックバンド。以前はTHE AMERICAN ANALOG SET(& records)のベーシストであるLeeも在籍。そのサウンドはポストパンクからさらに原点回帰しパブロック、ガレージパンクへ逆流し、チープな演奏と二人のキャラクターが独特のPOPさを加えた新世代のオールタナティブ。 Take one Japanese woman on vocals and guitar named Sonoko and take one American man on drums and vocals named Dave (ex. selby tigers、sean na na) and you get an Indie rock band called 1000s of cats. Occasionally they are joined by American Analog Set/Sounder bass player Lee. Their sound goes from post-punk to further back to the beginning of pub rock, with undercurrent of garage punk、and low-budget performance style this two piece is like peculiar pop that adds to a new generation of alternative.

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