Download 018 music from soundcloud to mp3


Presentation of 018 music from soundcloud:

018 music is an artist from valencia, registered on Soundcloud since 7/17/2013 with the id 51423689 and the identifier name 018music , 018 music cumulated a total of 15 followers.

You can download 7 tracks by 018 music from soundcloud to mp3.

Author's description

Send your demos: [email protected] Digital Label created by producer J. Minguez It is characterized by styles com House / Tech-House / Minimal / Electronica description 018 born of ambition music producer J. Minguez. His vision is to create and launch much music as he could without limitations other record companies can give, for example very distant release dates, the covers that the record label wants, not really define my music. So the seal was founded with the intention of breaking barriers and exit the market without intermediaries. Inspired by great artists who also founded his own record as mark and steve angello nigth.

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