How to download Sesto Sento - Futuristic in mp3?
Are you looking to download Sesto Sento - Futuristic by sestosento from Soundcloud
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About Sesto Sento - Futuristic
Sesto Sento - Futuristic is a Psytrance song with a duration of 4 minutes and 38 seconds.
Originally released on 3/23/2012, this song
produced by
has been played
266,572 times on soundcloud.
Popularity of sestosento's track
Sesto Sento - Futuristic on soundcloud received
likes and being reposted 4,230 times.
Additionally, the track has sparked engaging discussions, with
155 comments published by avid listeners.
PLANET BEN & NOGA RECORDS is proud to present SESTO SENTO 5th full-length studio album „P.L.U.R.“ with 9 previous unreleased and exclusive tracks.
More then a decade since "Sesto Sento" got together for the first time to create their debut song "soap bubble".
The boys have been touring for ever, hitting more then 30 countries around the world, playing in front of millions, on stages moving from 500 to 500,000 people and remixing superstar groups such as: Moby, The Police, Depeche Mode, Fatboy Slim and more, while collaborating with all the psytrance headliners for their more underground stuff, and the list just keeps on going.
After 4 Studio Albums, Compilations, Remix Albums, Ep's, Vinyls, and endless individual songs during the years the revolutionary trio teamed up once again for their 5th studio album "P.L.U.R" followed by "P.L.U.R" and "Louder" remix Ep's including all of the 2011 leading psychedelic names such as: G.M.S., Vibe Tribe, Bizarre Contact, Faders, Switch, Apocalypse and many more.
The new album is the perfect combination between "Sesto Sento" classic style to their more futuristic one, moving from their new anthem songs "Louder" and "P.L.U.R" to their fresh dance floor monsters
"Happy People Happy Music" and "Bad Robot" which have already been successfully tested all over the world by the boys and by others.
So come together once again, lets join forces for a "Sesto Sento" inner lightening journey to the brighter side of the universe.
PLANET BENとNOGA RECORDSよりSesto Sentoの5枚目のスタジオフルアルバム „P.L.U.R.“ が発売します。"Sesto Sento" はデビューソング"soap bubble"からスターの座を確立し、30を超える国々をツアーで周り、そのステージは、500から500,000人と様々な場所でプレイし続けています。
又The Police, Depeche Mode, Fatboy Slim 等のスーパースターの曲をリミックスし、
Psy Tranceシーンのヘッドライナー達とコラボレーションし続けています。
"P.L.U.R" には "P.L.U.R" と "Louder" のリミックス集のEpの曲が含まれ、そのリミックスには、2011年のPsy TranceシーンのリーディングアーティストG.M.S., Vibe Tribe, Bizarre Contact, Faders, Switch, Apocalypse等が参加しています。
この新しいアルバムは、 Setsto Sentoのクラシックな彼らを象徴とするような曲 "Louder" や "P.L.U.R" と共に、世界中ですでに彼らがプレイして好評を得ている曲"Happy People Happy Music" と "Bad Robot"もコンパイルされています。