NEUS is an artist registered on Soundcloud since 5/7/2009 with the id 114572 and the identifier name neus , NEUS cumulated a total of 61 k followers.
You can download 113 tracks by NEUS from soundcloud to mp3.
I do all kinds of music. Booking: [email protected] NEUS which means New Experience over Universal Sounds is born in Corsica in 2009. Gaël under his real name, has been experiencing music-making and improving his comprehension over modular and electronic components years after learning guitar and drums. He understood the full spectrum and the variety of music over his multiple influences rooted from his passion for acoustic and electronic elements. The physical and melodic aspect is also an important part in his musical exploration. Its powerfull and dark-cinematic evironment mixed with a touch of emotive sensibilty is what makes the aestethic of his artistic path and universe. For now, NEUS is working independently on multiple sound design projects variating from scoring to video games and tv ads. His music has always exposed different ideas from one to another genres through versatility, always evolving and improving is what makes the root and the strength of the project.