♱ 𐊥uckϟhit (@yofuckshit6) is an artist from #tgb, registered on Soundcloud since 8/19/2015 with the id 169249988 and the identifier name fuckshit6 , ♱ 𐊥uckϟhit (@yofuckshit6) cumulated a total of 5 k followers.
You can download 47 tracks by ♱ 𐊥uckϟhit (@yofuckshit6) from soundcloud to mp3.
yo wassup i'm fuckshit +ᙖ𐠰•Ꮤ𐌣↯•Ғ𐰸Ɍ- if a mashup of mine was taken down, check my Bandcamp. it'll most likely be there vital + scorpion intro + lotta 42 : https://fuckshit6.bandcamp.com/track/vital-scorpion-intro-lotta-42-love-all-og